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Great gamefeel, and charmingly put together! Found this via Oco's asset pack comments. Fun lil experience!




good tutorialization(except barrel)

movement feels good, dodging and jumping etc

weapon swings feel good

boss is cool

good enemy variation

funny that range enemies can kill each other

good sound design


in tutorial maybe make so you have to break the barrel to continue

Buff player if they kill monsters?

currently no reason to kill things

pressing dodge should dodge forward if not holding move key

spin attack on boss going backwards sometimes, hard to predict and avoid

boss randomly pulls out new attacks

rare boss attacks dont all telegraph well

maybe do 2 phases on boss? first half easy, second pulls out more advanced moves

spikes need blood or something to make them stand out

platforms look like part of background

put a wall after first platform you can fall through so it's clearer that you need to go down

more checkpoints




I liked it. Simple and fun.




Great job! :D